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Kori held grand celebration of International Women's Day

Release Time:2023-03-08  Source:Original  Views:3756

         The 113th International Working Women's Day has arrived. At 10:30 a.m. of  March 8, the Party branch, trade union and administration Department ofKori organized all femalestaffs toparticipate public interest class activity on the daily use of materia medica incense (sachets) in the hall on the fourth floor ofour office building.

         Mr. Li Shuming, the inheritor of Nanshan Tang Chinese ancient prescription and incense, explained the production process and function of the sachet to all the femalestaffs in detail. The aromatic products in the sachet can not only make people happy, keep healthy and prevent diseases, but also express people'sdesire for a happy, healthy andbeautiful life.

         The activity wasconducted by10 peopleeach group. Everyone cooperated actively in the process of hands-onactivity. The whole process was interesting,enjoyable andwarm.

         This activity enriched the femalestaffs' amateur life, showedKori femalestaffs style, all femalestaffs had a healthy, harmonious, happy, warm, unforgettable and meaningful festival.


         At the end of the activity, the leaders ofKoriextended the most sincere holiday wishes to the female employees, prepared flowers and gifts for each "goddess". They hoped that every female employeewill continue to shine in their respective positions with full enthusiasm and persistent pursuit, and become more outstanding and moving in the future work and life. Contribute to the steady and rapid development ofKori and achieve a good and happy life.

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